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CASA PASTA by Ermanno Lelli

Authentic Italian Experience!
Our Pizza and Pasta will take you to Italy instantly!

“My Own town, Torre Annunziata in Italy, was the capital of pasta production in the 19th century.” Ermanno Letti. We introduce you to homemade, artisan, slow cooked, Italian food!
Our pastas are done following the best recipes from centuries old traditions.
Our family recipes are featured in famous cooking books in Italy and we pride to serve exactly the same, here in Hong Kong.

“If you are a lover of authentic Italian pastas … Casa Pasta by Ermanno Lelli…. is for you!”
(Self-Service Style Only)

Our best food for your boat party with tasty style YACHT PACKAGE Our best food for your boat party with tasty style.
OFFICE PARTY PACKAGE Our best food for your office party with tasty style.


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CASA PASTA by Ermanno Lelli

CASA PASTA by Ermanno Lelli


Product Description

Authentic Italian Experience!
Our Pizza and Pasta will take you to Italy instantly!

“My Own town, Torre Annunziata in Italy, was the capital of pasta production in the 19th century.” Ermanno Letti. We introduce you to homemade, artisan, slow cooked, Italian food!
Our pastas are done following the best recipes from centuries old traditions.
Our family recipes are featured in famous cooking books in Italy and we pride to serve exactly the same, here in Hong Kong.

“If you are a lover of authentic Italian pastas … Casa Pasta by Ermanno Lelli…. is for you!”
(Self-Service Style Only)

Our best food for your boat party with tasty style YACHT PACKAGE Our best food for your boat party with tasty style.
OFFICE PARTY PACKAGE Our best food for your office party with tasty style.


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