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Alaska Kyiv

Alaska is a gastronomic space uniting people and atmosphere, combining dishes and drinks in a fascinating story. The heart of the restaurant is an aquarium with crabs. You can choose exactly the one you like. Our principal concept is to show the pristine taste of fish and seafood with minimal processing and in combination with various sauces, products, and recipes of different cuisines of the world. The main and unconditional principle of the restaurant is to maintain excellent quality of each product. Our menu is interdependence of our work and your feedback. This is, undoubtedly, our common gastronomic history.


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Alaska Kyiv

Alaska Kyiv


Product Description

Alaska is a gastronomic space uniting people and atmosphere, combining dishes and drinks in a fascinating story. The heart of the restaurant is an aquarium with crabs. You can choose exactly the one you like. Our principal concept is to show the pristine taste of fish and seafood with minimal processing and in combination with various sauces, products, and recipes of different cuisines of the world. The main and unconditional principle of the restaurant is to maintain excellent quality of each product. Our menu is interdependence of our work and your feedback. This is, undoubtedly, our common gastronomic history.


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